
Larry Short is an author and novelist with three decades of experience in Christian communications, digital innovation, and nonprofit management. A graduate of Biola University, he created WorldVision.org, won the Evangelical Press Association’s Best Personality Feature of the Year award for this article in 1981, and recently published Fountains of the Deep on Amazon Kindle.

Retired after working for the Christian nonprofit World Vision for more than 25 years, these days he spends his time working on a new (sci fi) novel and other writing projects, and feeding his Mushroom Obsession. He also leads the core of deacons at an Evangelical Free church in the Northwest. He is a grandfather, exotic mushroom hunter and hobby cyclist.

Other part-time activities in retirement include playing mandolin and acoustic guitar on a church worship team; doing health screening for the Puyallup School District; and assisting his wife who is deacon of congregational care.

Larry Short is online at:

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